Walkthrough of the Tarot Of The Owls

You gotta see this beautiful and whimsical deck!


This is a tarot deck that I found out about several months ago and immediately knew that I had to have it! It's by the same talented artist, Elisabeth Alba, who also did the Everyday Witch Tarot and the Everyday Witch Oracle decks. Anyone who has those decks knows how wonderful and whimsical her art is. I have the Everyday Witch Oracle and I love it! Now that I finally have the Tarot of the Owls, I love it so much! It's beautiful and really cute and fun! Since this isn't a full review, I will keep my thoughts about it brief until I've worked with it but just by looking at the art on each card, it's obvious that it's based on the RWS system so that makes it easy to read for anyone who is familiar with the RWS imagery. Since I know you're here to see the cards, I'll stop rambling on now and get right to the good stuff (the pictures of course)! Enjoy!

I just have to make a little note here. I absolutely love the expression on the face of the owl in The Hanged Man! It's so cute and funny to me. It just makes me chuckle and smile. I also love how in The Chariot, it's a black cat and a white cat in lieu of the two sphinxes. 😊
Now, onto the Minor Arcana!

Last but not least, the court cards!

Oh, and I can't leave out these gorgeous card backs! They're so colorful and beautiful! Love it!

Another thing I've noticed is how each suit's owls have corresponding colors for each one. Red owls for Wands, white owls for Swords, green owls for Pentacles, and purple owls for Cups. I really like this as it makes it even easier to figure out which suit the card is during a reading.

Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed my little walkthrough of this marvelous tarot deck! As always, I wish you many happy tarot readings and so much love and light! 💜