2 min read

Sneaky Peek at the tarot deck for February 2023

A quick preview of this beautiful deck which called to me to be used for the month of February of 2023.
Sneaky Peek at the tarot deck for February 2023
Photo by Cat Crawford / Unsplash

It's the Pagan Otherworlds Tarot!

This is a deck that I've had in my collection for quite a while now but haven't used in a while so it's time to bring it back out and show it the love it deserves. Especially since we have a pagan holiday (sabbat) coming up, called Imbolc. (Imbolc is the midway point between winter and spring when we honor the time of the changing of the seasons, we look for the first signs of Spring, and most of all, we honor the Goddess, Brigid.

I absolutely love this beautiful deck. While it is what's called a "pip deck" it does have some minor illustrations with the pips just to help to pique the intuition a bit which is nice. I also really like the art style of the imagery and the characters in this deck. It's very unique and original which I also enjoy. This deck is what's called an indie deck and not mass produced nor mass market. I hope you will enjoy taking a look at some of the cards below and appreciate the lovely art in these cards as much as I do. (From here, going forward, I'm not showing all of the cards in these Sneaky Peek posts because they're not meant to be walkthroughs nor reviews. It's only meant to be a preview of the deck so that you get to see which deck it is I'm going to be using for the new month and get to have an idea as to what it looks like.)

I hope you've enjoyed this sneaky peek and will enjoy seeing the cards in this deck as they come up throughout the month of February. I wish you many happy tarot readings and much love and light always!