2 min read

Full Pink Moon Oracle Reading

Oracle card reading for the Full Pink Moon. A reading for the Collective.
Full Pink Moon Oracle Reading
Photo by Dylan Sauerwein / Unsplash

April 5th, 2023

Full Moon in Libra


In the modern world these days there is SO much going on that is constantly occupying our minds, our attention, taking up our time, and our energy. We live in a non-stop, on the go, busy society and rarely do we truly rest and make time for peace. This full moon's guidance is to make time to stop, pause, rest, and reflect, a priority. Our bodies need rest and therefore so do our minds. I'm a firm believer of this being a contributing factor in the epidemic of mental health struggles and poor mental (not to mention emotional) health. It's time to make YOU a priority. Find time for quiet, for calm, for peace. Shut everything and if need be, everyone, out for a short period of time to stabilize your mind and emotions. You can do this by getting into nature, taking a walk, meditation, a quiet but long warm bath, etc. Either way, find positive self-care ways to re-gain your sense of peace and calm.

Furthermore, as the guidebook to this deck advises and I feel it's definitely worth mentioning, sit down and make a couple of lists. One list of things that you can control that should rightfully have time and energy spent on them and the other, a list of things you cannot control. Be honest with yourself and discerning with the, things you cannot control list. Once both lists are comprised, then release all of the things on the cannot control/have no control over, list. Let it go. Your mental health, emotional health, and sense of inner peace is not worth sacrificing for something that you have no power over. Worrying is like chewing gum for the mind. Not healthy but gives it something to do. Instead, give it something better and healthy to do. Like read an enjoyable book for the fun of it or a book about a topic you'd like to learn more about. Maybe spend time with your hobby or start a new one. Anything that's positive and healthy for you and your mind. Begin to become mindful about things creeping up into your mind that you know you have no control over and learn to just stop yourself and tell yourself, "No. I'm not going to let this take over my mind, drain my energy, nor sacrifice my peace of mind to it." and then move on. The more you practice at this, the easier it will get. You deserve peace and nothing is worth sacrificing your mental and emotional well-being over. 💜

Deck used: Queen of the Moon Oracle

This is a general reading for the Collective. Please take what resonates and leave the rest so that you don't cause a blockage in your own energy.

I hope that you've enjoyed this oracle reading and have benefitted from it. If you'd like to purchase a private reading from me, please see my ko-fi shop by clicking on the 'Shop' button at the top of this page! Thanks, I wish you all so much love and light, and I hope to get to read for you soon! Have a blessed and wonderful Wednesday and Full Pink Moon! 💜