New Moon Oracle Reading
New Moon in Pisces
The one thing in life that holds us back more than anything else is fear. Fear of failure, fear of looking ridiculous, fear of what others think, fear of judgement, and so on. Sure, there are times and situations that call for fear (such as when finding ourselves in dangerous situations and/or around bad or dangerous people). But other than those sorts of times, fear holds us back from success, from achieving our dreams, and it blocks flow. This card calls for courage. Facing our fears courageously and not allowing them (be it reasonable fear or unreasonable) to stop us from reaching our potential. There is absolutely fear when deciding to have courage instead and it's not an easy decision to make, nor is it easy to have courage to overcome fear. We all must make the choice to have courage, to not run away and hide, to not take the easy route, and to not believe that we aren't good enough, smart enough, etc. Once courage is chosen and you don't back down, you will find that you can conquer your fears, and see it through to the other end. At that point, once you look back and realize that you did it, imagine the immense self-pride and feelings of achievement, freedom, liberation, and confidence that you will gain from that! Then you are able to be in the flow and nothing can nor will hold you back and you will feel fearless! So be bold, be courageous, and tell your fears to get out of your way because you're coming through and you won't allow fear to stop you! You can do this! We all can!
One more thing I feel that I need to make mention of is that if you're so overcome with fear that you feel paralyzed by it, you may have a blockage going on with your solar plexus chakra. Try this technique to unblock it.
Lay down, close your eyes and place your hands over your solar plexus chakra. Feel it's energy. Does it feel sluggish, heavy, dense, or slow? Visualize golden light entering your chakra breaking up the blockage and busting through it! Visualize the chakra lighting up bright yellow and spinning freely like a top. Breathe through this process normally and steadily. Once you've returned your chakra to an unblocked and freely flowing state, drink plenty of water and then once again choose courage and tell yourself that you're all that holds you back and that that ends now. Take the first steps towards courage and remember, it can be a process of choosing it a little more each day. Be kind to yourself in the meantime. I believe in you!

Deck used: Queen of the Moon Oracle
Take what resonates and leave the rest so that you don't cause yourself any blockages in your own energy. I wish you all lots of freedom, love, and light!