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May 2023 Newsletter

News, updates, announcements, etc for the month of May.
May 2023 Newsletter

May 1, 2023

Happy May and Blessed Beltane! I hope April was kind to you and that it was a good, productive, and growth-full month. I'll be honest. For me, it was hectic and scattered which is not how I like to start off the Spring season. So in the month of May, I'm going to try to get that under better control but, I also need to put more of a focus on my own spirituality, my alignment with my higher self, my mission in this life, and bringing my A game, so to speak.

Here in Texas, April and May are tornado and severe storms season and it's been a busy one so far. So that has also kept me busy with the 1-2 times weekly dealing with bad weather because we've had a few close calls here while under tornado threat and I'm a part of a weather enthusiasts' community online. I suspect that May will also be busy with that, as well.

For the reasons mentioned above, there are times when I'm unable to do or get done full and or new moon oracle card readings for the collective for here on my website. So, I offer my sincere apologies for that. Once June gets here, it should settle down a little bit weather wise. I hope at least. lol I'm also always juggling my home life, too which includes my responsibilities as a mother and wife. While I keep my kiddo on a strict schedule at all times, it can be hard to squeeze extra stuff in sometimes. We're also going on more daytime outings as a family now that the weather has warmed up to get out and enjoy the sunlight and nature when the weather is good. Right now, we're in a lull weather wise so we hope to get out to the zoo next week. My point is that life sometimes gets in the way of me being able to keep up with content here on my site. I'm sure you can understand that. So please bear with me as I attempt to improve that when possible.

To summarize, between it being a busy weather season, trying to get outdoors and enjoy good weather when we have it, home responsibilities, and trying to focus on my spirituality, May might be another month of scarcity of content posting here by me. Thanks for understanding. With that said, I am still open for private tarot readings though because I do those at night once my little one is in bed and asleep which 99.99% of the time is not an issue at all. So, if you would like to book a reading with me, please feel free to do so and know that you are not putting me out whatsoever and I'm very happy to do tarot readings! It IS one of my passions in life! Just click on 'Shop' at the top of this page and that will take you to my ko-fi store. Find my readings listings or take a look in my gallery to find a reading that suites you and your needs. If you don't see one that applies, please message me and I can absolutely create one just for your needs at no extra charge! Besides, I could use the funds to help me, and my family pay the bills. Thanks in advance and I look forward to hopefully reading for you soon!

I wish you all a wonderful month of May and may it be richly blessed with abundance, good health, blessings, manifestations coming to you, joy, peace, and so much love, and light! 💜