In The Flow - Tarot Reading for the Collective

March 2023
This reading consists of 3 different categories and each category will have 3 cards in order to paint a picture of the flow of the energies for the month of March in order to help you to be able to make the best decisions possible in different areas of your life throughout the month.
This is looking to be a good month for these matters! I see improvement and new flow!
Seven of Pentacles - The energies this month seem to be very conducive for putting in the work and the effort in order to grow and improve yourself emotionally, your relationships, in social events or even amongst yourself and your peers or acquaintances. I feel that if you take the necessary steps and be consistent, then you will see improvement in these areas and it will bear fruit and rewards for your hard work.
Page of Swords - Swords are about intellect, thoughts, communications, and such. I feel that this month will open up the doorways for clear communication with others in order to clear the air if there's been any misunderstandings or hurt feelings. Remember though, words are powerful, and they can build and create or they can slice and destroy. Choose wisely.
The Fool - Now is a time to take a leap of faith! Is there someone that you've been secretly crushing on and you haven't had the nerve to ask them out? The energies are very good for starting new relationships! Perhaps, you're in a relationship that you've been wanting to see new improvement in or the potential to go deeper with it. This is the time to take that next step. If things have been rocky between you and another person though, I feel that if you try something new and different that you haven't attempted yet, that it will benefit you and the other person such as maybe counseling for yourself or for both of you. Maybe go about the relationship between you differently than you have before. For example, if things are moving too fast, then maybe slow things down and see if things improve or vise versa. If things are moving too slowly, talk together and see if it's time to move the relationship forward. You even might need to spice things up and be more spontaneous!
Well, well! Take a look here! I like what I see for this category as well! It's just going to take careful planning and smart decisions.
Knight of Pentacles - This knight is the slowest knight in the deck but that's for good reason. The old adage comes to mind, slow and steady wins the race. If you're looking to get a promotion or a raise at work, take the steps necessary to show that you deserve it and are ready for bigger and better within the company that you work for. Or perhaps, you're looking to get a new job. Be determined and don't give up. It may take time and it may not happen right away but if you make a plan and stick to it, one step at a time, you will get there. Just make sure that you follow through.
King of Cups - This is the month to put your heart into your work. Give it your all and do your very best! Show that you are the best at what you do. I don't mean this in an ego type of way. What I'm saying is to act through your heart. Act from your heart and use compassion and kindness but also with inner strength and integrity. If someone comes to you and asks for your assistance with something in the workplace, unless you have solid reason to say no (which is understandable because boundaries are important) see what you can do to help out. It can be a win-win for both of you or for a team or committee.
Six of Cups - Make sure that you've learned from your mistakes in the past and put them behind you so that you can move forward and excel in your job or career. Don't let the past hold you back from excellence! Love what you do and show enthusiasm by joyfully exhibiting your strengths, the things that you are good at. It's like the saying goes, if you love what you do, then you'll never work a day in your life. If you don't love what you do, then maybe it's time to put together a plan to find a way to move on so that you can do something that you actually do love!
Hey hey! Things are looking quite favorable for this category as well! Let's take a closer look though.
King of Pentacles - Ahhh stability, rewards, security, material prosperity! All good things. Make a solid effort towards whatever your goals are for this month! The universe has your back for sure! Whatever you're trying to do, be it starting up a new company, a new project, new area of study, or even pursuing a dream, everything looks very good for all of that with this card. The only advice I feel that is needed is to be responsible with your investments and material goods.
Queen of Cups - Make sure that you're heart is really in it with whatever you're striving for. If it is, then full steam ahead and let your passion take you to the finish line! If you do require any assistance though, and someone comes to you wanting to help you out, accept that help. It just may be Spirit doing you a favor.
Ace of Pentacles - Last but not least, be on the lookout for new opportunities and new doors opening up to you! This could be new financial assistance to help you reach your goals or to make your dream a reality (such as a raise, a loan approval, unexpected money coming your way, new clients or customers, etc). Or someone could suddenly step up with the way to help you get to where you want to be or to accomplish what you're trying to achieve. Be ready to climb that ladder to reach the top because the means to do so is coming!
In general, what I see with all of these cards is that Spirit/the Universe is definitely supporting you in your efforts with all of these categories! Spirit wants you to succeed, to have happiness, to create something wonderful for yourself and others in life, and to enjoy your life! The energies are absolutely present and flowing in the right directions to help you to do all of these things! It's going to take dedication, effort, time, balance, and patience on your part though in order to bring all of the above to fruition. Take advantage of the energies being in what seems to be prime positioning to help you make the most of it! You've really got this! I wish you absolute success in all of these categories!

This reading is a general reading for the Collective so take what resonates and leave the rest so that you don't cause yourself a blockage in your own energies.
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I wish you all many happy tarot readings and so much love and light! 💜