1 min read

Full (Snow) Moon Oracle Reading

Full Moon general guidance reading for the collective.
Full (Snow) Moon Oracle Reading
Photo by Ganapathy Kumar / Unsplash

Full Moon in Leo


Full Snow Moon

This full moon, we're being asked to turn and focus our attention on gratitude for everything in our lives, both good and bad. Yes, the bad too. Why? Because it's the challenges, the struggles, the pain, and the difficulties that end up bringing growth, wisdom, and maturity. Let the light of the full moon illuminate what you need to let go of and surrender it. Then, focus on the good no matter what is going on in your life and allow yourself to feel grateful in your heart for even the smallest things. Try writing a few things down and make a little list. Lastly, express your gratitude to the universe so that you will attract more good things into your life. The process of release and having and giving gratitude will also raise your vibration and transmute the lower vibrations of negativity. Be open to the growth and expansion that all of this brings.

Deck used: Queen of the Moon Oracle