Full Worm Moon Oracle Reading
Full Worm Moon in Virgo
Now is a time to lean on your inner wisdom (intuition) that is within all of us. Wisdom is something both learned and gained over time. It comes with experience and from making mistakes, learning from our mistakes and the mistakes of others. History has a rich past of many people whom we can glean wisdom from via both their successes and their mistakes. This card for this full moon is telling us to seek out wisdom especially at this time from both within ourselves and external to us. Not just what we learn from a book. Be present and consciously aware of your actions, your decisions, and your choices to make wise ones instead of foolish ones. If we take a step back to assure this before acting hastily and/or taking risks, not only will we be acting wisely, but we can prevent a major setback or even a catastrophe!

Deck Used: Queen of the Moon Oracle
This is a general reading and may not resonate for everyone. Take what resonates and leave the rest so that you don't cause yourself a blockage in your own energy. I hope this reading was helpful and I wish you all many happy tarot (and oracle) readings!
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