2 min read

My Deck Interview with the Earth Wisdom Oracle.

I just interviewed my gorgeous new oracle deck, Earth Wisdom Oracle, and it's such a beautiful interview! Take a look!
My Deck Interview with the Earth Wisdom Oracle.

October 10, 2022

Below is the deck interview that I did with my brand-new oracle deck called, Earth Wisdom Oracle. I will be writing a review of this deck soon so be on the lookout for that post. If you're reading this beyond October of 2022 then you can find the post with the deck interview for this oracle deck in the Deck Reviews tag or section of this website.

Below is the oracle deck interview spread that I chose to use for this interview which I found at Getting to Know Your Oracle Cards – The Interview Spread - Ask-Angels.com

This is the actual oracle deck interview that you see below. Forgive the glare on the 'Clear Aura' card. These cards are even more beautiful in person!

Earth Wisdom Oracle Deck Interview

Card 1. Tell me about your energy. - Divine Connection
Strengthening and deepening your connection with The Divine. This connection is your truest North Star and that leads and guides you even through the darkest night.

Card 2. What are your strengths? - Responsibility
I can assist you in identifying and releasing anything in your life that is not in serving your highest good so that you can be in full alignment with your spiritual path and with The Divine.

Card 3. What will you teach me? - Heal Thyself
I will teach you that there is a connection between your physical body and your spiritual body, and that one directly affects the other.

Card 4. What do you ask of me? - Self Acceptance
To become open minded and realize just how society has brainwashed you into falsehoods and false negative beliefs that you aren't good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, etc and work to overcome the gaslighting so that you can see the beautiful, powerful, and wonderful person that you are and everything that you are so capable of! You are enough and you are good enough!

Card 5. How can I best work with you? - Creativity
Through realizing that creativity is not just something that is for fun as a past time. Creative expression is also an expression of your spiritual self. Even though society may not find value in it, it holds great value regardless. Your creativity is also an expression of the divine feminine within you. Embrace this and let it empower you!

Card 6. What is the outcome of our working together? - Clear Aura
Gaining better spiritual hygiene so that residual energies, negative energies, etheric debris, and spiritual pests will no longer get stuck and dirty your pure and beautiful aura.

Card 7. What else do I need to know about you? - Divine Love
As a spark of The Divine, you carry the same light within you. I can help you with becoming open to Divine love for both yourself, and others. The love of The Divine is unconditional, and you can also learn to express this love through your own light. Make the commitment to giving and receiving Divine love.